Your title got me! Made me laugh. I am so glad it has cooled down for a bit right now. I'm not too far north of you in Missouri.

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Aug 26Liked by J. Paul Moore

This week is going to be a tough one for sure. How grateful we all will be when it rains again! Beautiful pictures Paul!

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The only thing that surprised me about yesterday's heat was the low humidity—only 38%! Thanks for the kind words about my photography! I hope to see you on a (shaded) trail soon.

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Same here. Melting physically and spiritually in this heat. Looking forward to the excitement of fall and getting your grandson out for long hikes and maybe some late summer splashes in the creek.

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Yes! This all sounds wonderful ❤️

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Aug 25Liked by J. Paul Moore

Great title; it's exactly how I feel! I fill my hummingbird feeder every morning now; by nightfall, it's empty. One can just hardly breathe outdoors. It really does feel like something is trying to kill me. Fortunately, humans have found our ways to cool down, but taking my daily walk is not one of them! I resort to indoor kundalini, and long still yoga poses. I used to love summer, but now I long for crisp cool breezes. I guess that's why the good Lord gave us seasons. ❤️

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Di, I did go for a hike early this morning when it was 70°, and when I finished, a little over one hour later, it was 82°!

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Aug 25Liked by J. Paul Moore

Hot here as well! Just came in from watering and read your post. The end of August is definitely bittersweet, as nature pushes for one last hurrah and yet slowly begins to close out. I stood by that bank of flowing water. It cooled me down…

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Misery loves company, as they say! I love going through my photos to see fresh green leaves and running water. It really does help me to get through this kind of weather.

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Aug 25Liked by J. Paul Moore

I feel exactly the same, Paul! We've had some lovely cool evenings here in SC, but today the heat is ramping up again. Blessings of rain and cooler air, hopefully, to you and all the beings at your sanctuary. Thank you for this post. You express well the weariness of late August.

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Thank you, Jeanne! Hoping you get some cool weather and rain coming back into your world soon.

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A tad bit cooler here with a decent shower over the weekend. Not much rain is expected in the foreseeable future 😢

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