Wow, amazing! I am planning to visit Iceland next year with friends but not sure if it will happen given the volcanic activity...I am more interested in being out in dramatic landscapes than staying put in Reykjavik, I certainly hope they agree otherwise I might have to ditch them. :) Is there a "diagnosing tool" for HSP? Regardless, I am 99 percent sure I am one of those kinfolk as well.

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Reykjavik is a great place to visit, but you must see the dramatic scenery. If you can find/hire a guide, it will make a lot of difference. Do some research and see what options there are for you.

I don't think there is an official test to determine if you are an HSP, but I could be mistaken.

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Amazing photos! What an experience. Iceland remains the place that change my life in many ways. Thank you for sharing and reminding me.

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Sounds like an incredible trip - and the photographs!! Astounding.

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Thank you, Stephanie! You must go if you get the opportunity.

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Jun 14Liked by J. Paul Moore


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Thank you, Rachel!

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What incredible photos and a wonderful description of your adventure! You are absolutely correct - Iceland is magical. I’m lucky to have travelled over lots of the world, but Iceland is one of the few places I would go back to without question or doubt. Your photos take me back there. You are a talented photographer! I was also vaguely obsessed with the moss 😂 I didn’t know anything about it then saw the volcanic moss, the way it turned from grey to green, and I’m captivated. And wait, it grows on lava?! Alien.

I saw you say in a comment you’re coming this way to the Lake District - I hope you enjoy it, but I know you will! There’s something magical about that place too (hopefully not overusing the word!).

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Karen, thank you so much for your kind words! I would like to go back again someday, but I have been spoiled by the special access, service, and benefits of a Photo Tour, so I devote all of my attention to photography. I can't imagine anyone knowing the island better than Daniel.

I am looking forward to my first trip to the UK and the Lake District!

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I’m tempted to do such a tour when I return myself, just for that knowledge and insight! It sounds brilliant.

I’m absolutely sure you’ll love it. And your first trip to the UK? Welcome, welcome! Always glad to have you here 😁

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Reach out if you need a connection 😁

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Beautiful photographs, Paul. And I loved reading about your experience in Iceland. I hear only good things about the country. One day….

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Thanks, Lee Anne! You simply must go.

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Jun 12Liked by J. Paul Moore

I have heard you talk about this trip before. It still sounds magical. Unearthly. And the photos prove it. They really do take me outside my mind to another place altogether unimaginable. I'm glad you got to go. Seems like the trip of a lifetime for you. Bravo for taking the risk. I think the results were worth the difficulty you had getting there and back. Made it a little bit more valuable. :-)

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Gorgeous. What an otherworldly place, captured in these stunning photos. I hope to visit someday!

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Thank you, Rebecca! I have two very large prints displayed in our home, so Iceland is never far away from my mind and heart.

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Jun 12Liked by J. Paul Moore

What a great post, and what breathtaking photos! AND ... how cool to know that you're a fellow HSP. AND that you like the music of Olafur Arnalds. I discovered him via quietmusic.com, where I subscribe to a weekly curated mix of really nice music. Anyway, I can imagine how a trip like that lives on and on in your memory, Paul. Thanks for sharing it with us!

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Jeanne, thank you so much for your kind words! I struggled with the length and depth of this article. I wanted to say more, but I finally decided to let the photography tell the most crucial part of the story.

Oh boy, another HSP friend! We celebrate our weirdness 😜. I love Olafur’s music, especially when https://g.co/kgs/ZNEbXftArnór Dan Arnarson is singing.

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Jun 12Liked by J. Paul Moore

For what it's worth, and it's only my opinion, I'm getting turned off by hugely long Substack posts. Yours was just right. I have so many Substacks clogging my inbox now, I simply don't have time to read the super long ones. When I open one up and see that it's going to take more than 5 minutes to read, I move on. I liked yours because I could read your words, amaze over your gorgeous photos, feel the feel of your post, send you a comment, and ... move on. We're all so busy and there are so many demands on our time and attention, it seems to me that short (but beautiful!) Substack posts should be the way to go.

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I like the shorter ones myself. 4-5 minutes is about as long as I can write anyway.

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Bel, with this current heat wave we are experiencing in middle Tennessee, I certainly wish I were there now 😩

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Thanks, Di! I'll be with David Ward again soon on a UK trip to the Lake District. It will be another adventure!

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